The General Regulations of the Order have been published
Establishment of the Historical Committee of the Order
A New Wind Blows in Latin America
The Meeting of the Latin American Lieutenants -
A hand that reaches out
The self-awareness of the Order -
The Dialogue Between Lieutenancies: A Moment of Common Reflection
The Autumn Meeting of the Grand Magisterium
The Grand Master of the Order at the 8th Jerusalem Days in Miechów, Poland
Formation Document
The North American Lieutenants' meeting was held in Canada this year
Foundation of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in the Caribbean
The Grand Magisterium Spring Meeting 2024
The urgent need to rebuild relationships of trust in the Holy Land -
The cloak, a luminous sign of our identity
A reflection by Governor General, Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone -
"It is good to set out into the world to rise again in the dawn of God's love".
Not just Gaza
Reflections of the Governor General following the pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Grand Master -
The Grand Master of the Order in Jerusalem and Bethlehem: a pilgrimage for peace
Excerpt from an interview Cardinal Fernando Filoni gave to L'Osservatore Romano at the end of his pilgrimage, the morning of his departure from Jerusalem -
Christmas message from the Governor General
The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume now available in audiobook format
The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume -
Preparing for the Consulta 2023
Towards the Order's General Assembly of Lieutenants, Consulta 2023
Interview with the Governor General, Leonardo Visconti di Modrone -
Spring meeting of the grand magisterium 2023
The online meeting of the European and Latin American Lieutenants 2022
Autumn Meeting of the Grand Magisterium 2022
Homage to Pierre Blanchard
The North American Lieutenants meeting in Pasadena
Palazzo della Rovere: official communiqué from the Order
The Spring Meeting of the Grand Magisterium
An audience with King Felipe VI of Spain
The post-pandemic watchword: dialogue
The development of international relations of the Order -
Continental Meetings of Lieutenants and Magisterial Delegates 2021
Luigi Giulianelli, new member of the Grand Magisterium
Boniface VIII International Prize awarded to Cardinal Fernando Filoni
What can the first Jubilee held in Rome seven centuries ago tell us today? -
The fall meeting 2021 of the Grand Magisterium
A rich spiritual contribution to the life of the Lieutenancies
Testimonies of men and women religious within the Order -
Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone has been reappointed as Governor General for another four years, by decision of the Grand Master of the Order
The use of the sword in the investiture ceremonies of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
A reflection of the Lieutenant General -
A new Ritual for the Order: Innovation within the Tradition
A new order of the liturgical Rite in the Eohsj
Via dei Cavalieri del Santo Sepolcro in Rome
The meeting of the Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates of Asia and the Pacific
After a year of pandemic, the Order keeps up its commitment to solidarity
Report of the Spring meeting of the Grand Magisterium -
Four fundamental principles of the administrative management of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Obedience, transparency, collegiality, and fiscal responsibility -
Three pillars re-establish the life of the Order
The new Constitution signed by the Pope, the book on spirituality written by the Grand Master, and the new document on the liturgy -
Video message by the Governor General Leonardo Visconti di Modrone to the North American members
Death of Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Lieutenant General of Honour of the Order, distinguished jurist and academic
Some reflections on the Order’s institutional meetings during the pandemic
Here in the Vatican, you are, in a certain way, at home
The Grand Magisterium gathered online for its Fall meeting
The Order is growing on the Latin American continent
An interview with Enric Mas, Vice Governor of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre for Latin America -
The major events on October 21, 2020, in honour of Our Lady of Palestine
Msgr. Pizzaballa thanks the Order
A virtual meeting of North American Lieutenants
The “virtual” Spring Meeting of the Grand Magisterium
Way of the Cross of the members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Good Friday, April 10, 2020 -
Welcome to the new Grand Master
The Grand Magisterium autumn meeting (October 22-23, 2019)
Strengthening the presence of the Order in Central and Latin America
Msgr. Tommaso Caputo, new Assessor of the Order
A support for Palazzo della Rovere’s restoration from the bequest of a member from Western USA
The new Vice Governor General for Ibero America takes office
"If you have ever wondered if our Order makes a difference, I can assure you that it can and it does"
Reflections by Father John Bateman, priest-secretary to the Grand Master, at the end of his time of service in Rome -
Highlights of European Lieutenants Meeting
Spirituality at the heart of the Order's North American Lieutenants' meeting
Preparing a "pilgrimage to the people" of the Holy Land
The Grand Magisterium Spring meeting (April 9-10, 2019) -
5000 people at Palazzo della Rovere: two intense and exciting days
"The Holy Land is within us"
The pilgrimage of the Grand Magisterium's staff -
Towards a “Lieutenant’s Manual”: the fruits of the 2018 Consulta
Sharing and encounter: Lieutenants react to the Consulta
The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Palestine: an occasion for fraternity
The ExsulteT oratory inspired by the Holy Sepulchre
An opera that invites wonder, reflection and conversion of those who wish to allow the light of Christ to transfigure their lives. -
“The Order is one of the expressions of the universal embrace of the Church”: Abp. Pierbattista Pizzaballa tells the Consulta
The mission of the Order’s Lieutenants at the heart of the 2018 Consulta
About sixty Lieutenants from around 40 countries attended the five-year assembly of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Rome, gathered around the Grand Master, Cardinal O’Brien. -
Pope Francis encourages the members of the Order to continue their commitment invoking Our Lady’s protection
The media rediscover the mission of the Order on the occasion of the Consulta
Short report of the press conference to present the Consulta at the Holy See Press Office on 7 November -
Recalling the Consulta 2013
«We are an institution of the Church in which the values of humility, charity and obedience are to be cultivated»
First continental meetings of the Governor General Visconti di Modrone with the Lieutenants of the Order. -
First meeting of the Lieutenants for South America, Spain and Portugal
Ambassador Alfons Kloss, future president of the “Pro Oriente” Foundation receives the Grand Cross of the Order
2018 North American Lieutenants’ Meeting
From 31 May through 2 June 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada -
The annual meeting of European Lieutenants (June 2018)
The Consulta: the Order’s five-year general assembly
Informative Note from the Grand Magisterium with regard to the Hotel located at the “Palazzo della Rovere”
The Grand Magisterium Spring meeting (April 17-18, 2018)
Msgr. Giuseppe Lazzarotto: “My heart is always in Jerusalem”
A great Church diplomat at the service of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre -
Homage to Cardinal Montezemolo, Assessor of Honor of the Order
Msgr. Giuseppe Lazzarotto is the new Assessor of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
The first regional meeting for Australian and Pacific Rim Lieutenancies of the Order
The Feast of Our Lady of Palestine and the meeting of the Grand Magisterium
Entrusting ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Palestine
Celebrating the liturgical memory of Blessed Bartolo Longo
New appointments by the Grand Master
North American Lieutenants’ Meeting: a chance to get together and share
Annual Meeting of European Lieutenants and the welcome of the new Governor General
“I want to serve the Order in continuity with my predecessor"
Exclusive interview with Ambassador Leonardo Visconti of Modrone, the new Governor General of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem -
Unforgettable visits to the Grand Magisterium
The Grand Magisterium Spring 2017 Meeting
Jerusalem Cross: the new title of the Order's magazine
The future Governor General will take office on June 29
Ambassador Ivan Rebernik appointed Honorary Chancellor
Christmas on Earth: best wishes from the Grand Magisterium
The Grand Magisterium's 2016 Autumn Meeting
News from the Grand Magisterium
From the Order's Constitution:
“The Grand Magisterium is called and presided over by the Cardinal Grand Master, who determines the agenda of the day.
The following make up the Grand Magisterium: the Lieutenant General; the Governor General, the Vice-Governor Generals; the Chancellor of the Order;
the Master of Ceremonies of the Order; other members of the Order,
selected and named by the Grand Master according to criteria based on principles of international composition and function.
They number no more than twelve, of which at least two-thirds are laymen.
The Assessor can participate in meetings of the Grand Magisterium.
The Lieutenants, the Magistral Delegates and the Grand Priors who are currently holding these offices cannot be named members of the Grand Magisterium."
"The Grand Magisterium assists and aids the Cardinal Grand Master in the government and administration of the Order.
The Grand Magisterium, in accordance with the directives given by the Cardinal Grand Master:
prearranges and programs activities of the Order; prearranges and programs activities of the Order in the Holy Land;
orients and co-ordinates activities of the national organizations; interprets constitutional norms; a
pproves financial statements of the Order; carries out every other duty which the Cardinal Grand Master deems proper to entrust to it."