Lieutenancies and Magistral Delegations of the Order

There are about 30,000 Knights and Dames worldwide, articulated within geographic areas through local organizations called Lieutenancies or Magistral Delegations (which are often the first step towards the formation of a Lieutenancy).

From the Order's Constitution:


“The life of the Order is articulated in the individual nations through local organizations, called Lieutenancies or Magistral Delegations, upon which Sections and Local Delegations depend.”
(article 36)

“The Lieutenancies and the Magistral Delegations insure, within the boundaries of the respective territorial jurisdictions, respect for the Constitution and the norms of the Order, and also the exact fulfillment of the directives imparted by the Cardinal Grand Master, by the Grand Magisterium and by the President, and of the regulations emanating from the same Lieutenancies or Magistral Delegations and by the respective Councils, taking into account the legitimate traditions, customs and needs of the individual nations.”
(paragraph 4 of article 37)


This video, based on images taken in Rome during the December 2023 Investiture of the Lieutenancy for Central Italy, explains how a standard Vigil ceremony preceding the Investiture is conducted. It corresponds to what is found in the Ritual for Celebrations booklet and is intended for all Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates, who can use it to harmonize procedures around the world.


This video, which follows the one on the Ritual of Vigil, shows a standard Investiture ceremony. It corresponds to what is found in the Ritual for Celebrations booklet and is intended for all Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates, who can use it to harmonize procedures around the world.