Press releases
Press Release - Journey of the Grand Master and the Governor General to the Holy Land (December 2023)
Press Release - The Order of the Holy Sepulcher renews its commitment to the Holy Land alongside the Latin Patriarchate (November 9, 2023)
Press Release - The Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem joins with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the suffering of the people of the Holy Land (October 09, 2023)
Press Release - About the Palazzo della Rovere (May 18, 2022)
Press Release - The Order of the Holy Sepulchre supports the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in responding to the Covid-19 crisis (September 2020)
Informative Note - Informative Note from the Grand Magisterium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem with regard to the Hotel located at the “Palazzo della Rovere” (May 2018)
Press Release - A new international website for the Order of the Holy Sepulchre: (Summer 2016)