Updates from the Holy Land
Lieutenant for England and Wales shares his experience with the Holy Land Coordination
The Bishops’ Holy Land Coordination pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 18-23 January 2025
Celebrating the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem during wartime
A calling to be “Pilgrims of Hope”: the account of a young French volunteer in the Holy Land
The Diocese of Jerusalem thanks the Order during the Christmas Season
“If Our Lord has promised certain things, over the course of history He will also be able to fulfill them.”
An interview with Father Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land, on the current situation in the region, the life of Christians in the Holy Land today, future prospects, and Saint Francis’ legacy for the Knights and Dames of the Order.
Planting Seeds in Difficult Grounds: the projects undertaken by the Order within the ROACO framework
Gaza: not numbers but people
The Order alongside the population with the Latin Patriarchate
Meeting with Christian families in Jerusalem
"Work everywhere for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza! We must do everything possible to ensure that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not spread to the whole region”
Interview with Father Gabriel Romanelli, parish priest of Gaza
War destroys not only with weapons
"One more hour of war will not solve the problem but aggravate it"
Interview with Gaza’s parish priest
The Experience of Resurrection
A multimedia experience of the senses in Jerusalem, allowing one to participate in the encounter with the Risen Christ
In Bethlehem: “The Holy Child Program”
A mission at the service of children with serious behavioral and emotional problems
A truly universal Church in Israel
Interview with Father Nikodemus Schnabel, Patriarchal Vicar for migrants and asylum seekers
Two seminarians share their experience
Seminaries are an essential reality in the life of every diocese
Interview with the Rector of Beit Jala Seminary
The new Missal in Arabic
A work of the Church of Jerusalem for all Latin Catholic parishes in the Arab world
When Lieutenancies visit the small projects they support
The pilgrimage of the Lieutenancy for Ireland and the visit to Taybeh and Mafraq
Recently concluded projects supported by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in the Holy Land
A Christmas gift
Voices from the Holy Land
Economic inclusion of women and young people in Palestine and the presence of the Saint James Vicariate in Israel
The consecration of the new church in Jubeiha, Jordan: a moment of shared joy
The Order stands alongside the Eastern Churches
Projects that provide a direct link between the Lieutenancies and the Holy Land
The vitality of the Church in the Holy Land through the words of the Patriarchal Vicars
Educating the future generations in the Holy Land
The Order’s support for the Latin Patriarchate’s schools
The Nativity and Epiphany celebrations in the Holy Land
Despite the absence of pilgrims due to health restrictions, a spirit of celebration and joy lit up this Christmas 2021
The status of solidarity projects in the Holy Land
Report on the support provided by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in 2021
Returning to school after the summer
An interview with Father Yacoub Rafidi, the new diocesan director of schools in Palestine
Focus on faith: A summer of spirituality and social occasions for young people in the Holy Land
The 94th Plenary Assembly of ROACO
Towards the closing of the deficit of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Palestinian Christians in Gaza supported by the whole Church of the Holy Land
After the armed conflict in the Holy Land, the needs are immense
A community coming together in faith: Testimony from the pastor of Gaza
"One must not wait for good news to continue building"
A Miracle is Needed
A Catholic University in the Holy Land
American University of Madaba in Jordan
A place of worship for the whole growing Christian community in Jubeiha, Jordan
Parish life in the Holy Land during the pandemic
Testimonials of the Holy Land parish priests supported by the “Covid-19 humanitarian support fund”
Helping Catholic schools to rediscover their core identity
Reflections of the meeting of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land
In spiritual communion with Iraqi Christians assisted by the Order in Jordan
Not one child without a toy
A lookback at 2020 in the Holy Land
A year with so many needs to face
Brief account of the support of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre during 2020
25 years at the service of Catechesis
The Catechetical Office of the Latin Patriarchate celebrates its 25th anniversary and welcomes its new director.
Facing the challenges together as one big family
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem responds to the health and economic emergency of Covid-19
Beit Sahour and parish life during quarantine
The story of Father Issa Hijazeen, parish priest of the Beit Sahour church
An update about the effects of COVID-19 from the Latin Patriarchate
The statue of the first deacon and first martyr of Christianity, in the atrium of Saint Stephen’s Basilica
The Holy Land Commission visits Jordan
A solidarity fund: 600 families helped in one year
Living a transformative experience as a young Christian
Open doors at the Beit Jala seminary
The Order’s support for Iraqi refugees in Jordan
An invitation to equality from the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land
Teaching and transmitting love of the Bible
A conversation with Father Jean-Jacques Pérennès, director of the Ecole Biblique of Jerusalem
The Hebrew speaking Catholics and migrants: the Patriarchate’s pastoral outreach
Focus on Gaza
The new Holy Land Commission
The Order’s commitment to disabled children in Bethlehem
How do young people live in the Holy Land?
Interview with Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
“We believe in Jesus and we speak Hebrew”
Interview with Deacon Benedetto Di Bitonto of the St. James Vicariate led by Father Rafic Nahra, Patriarchal Vicar of Hebrew speaking Catholics
“Flow of Christian pilgrims to Holy Land increasing”
Interview with Msgr. Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine
The Diocese of Jerusalem prays for peace in the Holy Land
An invitation by Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa to pray for peace on May 19
Close to the children of Bethlehem
The Order of Malta and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre join their forces to support the Holy Family Hospital
2017 projects related to the ROACO
Contemplating the mystery of our salvation
The holiness of Jerusalem should not be confused with sovereignty
Special Focus on Jerusalem
Christians and Muslims demonstrating together: interview with Father Jamal Khader, parish priest of Ramallah
Heads of local Churches write to President Trump about the status of Jerusalem
Custodians of a spirit of fraternity in the Holy Sites
Interview with Father Custos Francesco Patton
Special focus: first official visit of the new Governor General to the Holy Land
Meeting God in the Upper Room
A book by Msgr Peter J. Vaghi describing three moments to change your life
The “thank you” of the children of Bethlehem to the members of the Order
A mosaic laboratory serving refugees in Jordan
The Order currently supports this beautiful initiative of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem through the Lieutenancy for Germany.
Joint Statement from the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem
Seeing Christ looking at humanity
Interview with Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa
An hour of adoration during the pilgrimage to Jerusalem
How can we face the reception of refugees in Jordan?
An interview with Wael Suleiman, director of Caritas Jordan
"A new spirit in our relations": Msgr. Pizzaballa during the ecumenical ceremony for the inauguration of restored Edicule of the Tomb of Christ
Support critical thinking and debate: the Bethlehem Debate Club
An initiative funded by the USA Western Lieutenancy
Holy Land Coordination in 2017: 50 years of occupation
Praying for Christian unity in the Holy Land
The Order addresses the difficult situation of migrants in the Holy Land
A short history of the ‘aedicule’ which enshrines the empty tomb
Msgr. Jacques Perrier, who used to be Grand Prior of the French Lieutenancy, offers us an historic perspective on the subject of the aedicule, currently undergoing restoration, which enshrines the empty tomb of Christ in the basilica of the Holy Sepulchre.
Bethlehem University: an Oasis of Peace in the Holy Land
Interview with Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University in Palestine
Updates from Gaza: a day-by-day support through many projects
Interview with Sami El-Yousef, regional director of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association for Palestine and Israel
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem by the sides of immigrant families
Sister Monika from Jerusalem, witness of unity close to the sick
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre collaborating in ROACO projects
"Olympic Games" in Ramallah
Recent months in the Holy Land
A brief overview of the most important events that have touched the life of the Catholic communities in the Holy Land in recent months.
Father Pizzaballa: Starting anew from the Risen Christ
The duty of rekindling hope
An interview with Rifat Bader on how the Church is supporting migrants in Jordan
The twinning of Bethlehem and Lourdes
"A Muslim leaving our schools will never become a fundamentalist"
Interview with Fr Faysal Hijazen, director of schools in the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
2015 Projects in accordance with ROACO
"Giving a voice to Christians in the Holy Land"
Interview with Msgr. Michel Dubost, Bishop of Evry Corbeil-Essonnes, member of the Bishops of the Holy Land Coordination, President of the Council for Interreligious Relations of the French Bishops’ Conference and member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
The city where the Prince of Peace was born is longing for Peace today
Interview with Vera Baboun, the Mayor of Bethlehem
60 years of service to the Hebrew speaking Catholic community
From the Work of Saint James to the Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel: 60 years of history