Stories from the Lieutenancies
A question of perspectives: not “the only one” but the first Knight in Guatemala
Introducing schoolchildren and local communities to the Order
The experience of the Lieutenancy for Ireland
The Cloak of the Order: Beyond a simple Appearance
Enabling young students to fall in love with the Holy Land
The beautiful initiative of the Lieutenancy for England and Wales could become a model for others
The meaning of pilgrimage to the Holy Land for members of the Order
Meeting of representatives of Central and Eastern European countries
The family dimension of a priest's life in the Order
Testimony of Father Vincent Comte, Prior of the Languedoc Saint-Roch Delegation and Prior of the Montpellier Saint-Gilles Section of the Order's Lieutenancy for France
Promoting an atmosphere of joy and brotherhood during the Investiture ceremonies
The following are the main excerpts from a testimony that the Lieutenant for Malta, Roberto Buontempo, kindly sent us on the Investiture Ceremony he organised in 2022
A beautiful family experience
A young Knight, a member of the Lieutenancy for Central Italy, introduced his father to the Order, leading to his later joining. In this two voice interview, the father and son share their experience
“Dames have the same rights and duties as Knights”
Teresa Maria Pitarch i Albós, Dame Commander, Member of the Council of the Lieutenancy for Eastern Spain, talks about the contribution of women to the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
“Jerusalem at heart”
Members of the Order and Living Witnesses of the Gospel
“Convinced and sincere ambassadors of Peace and Love”
“The Grand Master's decision to introduce this strong symbol of the jar of oils, for the Dames, is an immense gift”
Agnès Durand, Dame Commander of the Lieutenancy for Central Italy
A look at the current situation of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in the United States
Volunteers and pilgrims: a summer experience for young people in the Holy Land organised by Western Spain
The Youth of the Order in Germany: learning about the life of the Order and discovering the Holy Land
Dame of the Order and boxer: the story of Teresa
“My people are driven by the power of love”
Testimony of Nataliya Khylenko, Ukrainian and Dame of the Order (Lieutenancy for the Principality of Monaco)
Testimonies from some Dames of the Order
The feast of Our Lady of Palestine
Patroness of the Order, Our Lady of Palestine is honoured throughout the world each year, generally on the last Sunday closest to the 25th of October, which is the date of the liturgical feast
Community events organised despite the health crisis
New experiences of communion among the Lieutenancies and with the Holy Land
A New Book on the History of the Order
Interview with the author Tomás Parma
The Royal Collegiate-Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre of Calatayud
Meetings with the Grand Master
“In the Order, we truly are one big family”
Innovating to live out our faith in a time of crisis: the experience of the Lieutenancy for Switzerland
The example of solidarity of Knights and Dames in Colombia
Joining an Investiture Weekend retreat “remotley”
When the Order prepares for the future
The spirit of youth at the Lieutenancy for Canada-Montreal
Looking down the road to recovery: resuming pilgrimages to the Holy Land
Between a paralysing shock and a creative awakening – German Delegations facing the pandemic
German Delegations facing the pandemic
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem on his way toward canonization
Servant of God Enrique Ernesto Shaw, Argentine family man and entrepreneur
A virtual pilgrimage in this time of pandemic
Parish sisterhood and how a Lieutenancy can support the Holy Land in its diocese
A Dame of the Order in society and in the Church
Agnès Durand testifies to her commitment to United Nations women’s projects within an international humanitarian association.
The life of the Order during the global health crisis
“Our spiritual promise must fill all of our life”
An App gathering members in prayer
Gaudete et Exsultate – “Rejoice and Be Glad” A Year Later
History and current news from the Magistral Delegation for the Czech Republic
Jean-Marc Fournier, the ecclesiastical Knight of the Order who became the hero of Notre Dame
A path to holiness within the Order
The Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate inspires the life of Knights and Dames
An initiative by the Western USA Lieutenancy: the Ministry Fair
Commitment in the Order is a path towards holiness
The testimony of Claude Grbesa, Magistral Delegate for Croatia
A solidarity expressed beyond the Holy Land
The Order acts in the local dioceses to support Christians from the Middle East
A compass for Knights and Dames
Reactions to the booklet “Praying with the Grand Master”
The Lieutenancy for Western Australia and its Malaysian domiciled Members
Strengthening our worldwide Order the Grand Master visits Oceania
The first chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Palestine in Poland
The Order present at World Meeting of Families in Ireland
"The comforting experience of many families committed to the evangelical journey of marriage and family life"
Remembering the Consulta 2013 with Helene Lund, Magistral Delegate for Norway
“Membership in the Order is a gift to look after, maintain and finally hand on to others”
Janet Gardner, DCHS, from the Lieutenancy for Western Australia shares her experience in the Order: how she came to know and decided to join it and what changed in her life since then.
When love for the Holy Sepulchre leads to study
The importance of getting together and experiencing fellowship in local Sections
Annual Retreat for Townsville Section of Australia Queensland Lieutenancy
50 years in the Order for the Lieutenant for Central Italy Luigi Giulianelli
North American Lieutenants’ Orientation Meeting in Washington, DC
50 years of the Lieutenancy for Northern Italy
Committed to the life of the local Church and in love with Jerusalem
Interview with Lieutenant Isis Penido about the life of the Lieutenancy for Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
A pilgrimage on bike to help Aleppo
A practical and always up-to-date App for Members of the Order
The Lieutenancy for Portugal and an experience of service and prayer with young people
"Colombia, open your heart as the People of God"
The Lieutenant for Colombia comments on Pope Francis' visit
The opportunities of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in the American continent
Living mercy, being open to Providence and building relationships
Lieutenancy for the Netherlands
A journey of unity in Scandinavia
Interview with Bo Theutenberg, a member of the Grand Magisterium
Visiting the Holy Sites: the experience of Knights and Dames from the Czech Republic
The Lieutenancy for Slovenia: an active and praying presence in the society
A look back at 2016
“Our special relationship to Jerusalem offers us a special relationship to Jesus”
The Lieutenancy for the Philippines recalls the 2016 Investiture celebrated by Cardinal O'Brien
Open the door to the other: activities in the Lieutenancy for Finland
The joy of praying together along the whole year: the Hungarian Lieutenancy
A testimony of the first years of activity of the Magistral Delegation in Guam
The Western USA Lieutenancy and its commitment to interfaith encounters
The blessing of receiving 50 new members for the USA Northeastern Lieutenancy
"All with the same rights as witnesses of the Resurrection"
Being a woman in the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
“A gate of life”, to help young disabled people in the West Bank
To be a Family in the Order of the Holy Sepulchre: an everyday life story
Strengthening the spiritual guidance of the members of the Order
Echoes of a reflection of the Grand Master by Cardinal Mahony
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre in the service of the World Youth Day
The medal of the Holy Sepulchre to Macarena Cotelo
Acts of solidarity in the spirit of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Caring for migrants’ children in Israel
The testimony of Donata Krethlow-Benziger, Chancellor of the Swiss Lieutenancy of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, about their commitment to the Holy Land and the “Babywarehouse” project in Tel Aviv.
An example of concrete solidarity
An initiative of the Lieutenancy for Italy South Tyrrhenian
Internship programs for students from Bethlehem
The Lieutenancies of USA Northwestern, USA Western and Canada-Atlantic offer students from Bethlehem University the possibility of internships
USA Western: "Adopt-A-Seminarian in Beit Jala"
Since 2005 the Western USA Lieutenancy has supported young men in formation to the priesthood at the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Beit Jala, Palestine
Dutch Lieutenancy and Syriac Catholic refugees
A “Flying Squad” in the Holy Land
An initiative promoted by the Lieutenancy of England and Wales to offer English language lessons to students in schools run by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
The history of the Magistral Delegation for New Zealand
The Contribution of Laity and Families to the Life of the Church
Testimony of the Magistral Delegate for Norway, Helene Lund