Introducing schoolchildren and local communities to the Order
On April 17, 2024, during the Easter Octave, the Communications Officer for the Lieutenancy for Ireland, Thomas Kilduff, visited four National Schools in the Parish of Kingscourt in the Diocese of Meath.
The invitation of the local Parish Priest, the Very Rev’d Gerard MacCormack, ecclesiastical member of the Order, was to meet with the students and teachers to discuss the humanitarian aid distributed by the Order to the Christian communities in Gaza and the Holy Land.
The visits were in spiritual preparation for the students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, and the topics included the Holy Land, the Christian communities who live there and the suffering of the inhabitants arising from the current conflict.
“The most touching aspect of the school visits – shares Thomas Kilduff – was the innocence of the youngest infant school children (4-6 years) who had knowledge of Jesus and the Holy Land, having received excellent religious instruction from their teachers. The older school children (7-12 years) were very aware of the current conflict in Gaza; they understood the suffering of all those affected and demonstrated their eagerness to help by organising a charitable collection of money.”