The joy of praying along the whole year: the Hungarian Lieutenancy
In October 2016, the Grand Master, Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, celebrated the Investiture of seven new Knights in Hungary.
The Hungarian Lieutenancy organizes monthly capitular meetings. Every meeting begins with a Holy Mass in the Hermina Chapel, the headquarters of the Lieutenancy. After Mass we ususally invite selected lecturers who give a presentation of about 40 minutes, followed by an open dialogue, sharing and a convivial moment.
Among the invited guests who have delivered a presentation linked to the Holy Land were the ambassador of Palestine, the ambassador of the State of Israel, the Coptic priests residing in Budapest, the rector of the Roman Catholic High School Sapientia, leader of the Franciscan Order in Hungary and others.
The 2016 Easter recollection took place in Bodajk – Holy Virgin Pilgrim Center and the Advent recollection was in the parish of Soroksár, near Budapest, combined with the yearly Grand Capitular meeting.
Our Grand Master, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien personally attended the October Investiture in Budapest, investing 7 new Knights including Archbishop Alberto Bottari de Castello, the nunzio in Hungary.
During the year there are many other occasions for our members to meet and spiritually grow together. First of all, we do attend the monthly chanting of psalms in the crypt of the Hermina Chapel. We also offer the possibility of doing a Vigil prayer chain: it means that one member of the Lieutenancy by rotation attends Holy Mass every day and prays for the intentions of our Order. One evening monthly we pray the Rosary on Budapest Catholic Radio and this greatly contributes to the visibility of the Order. In our Hermina Chapel we offer Holy Mass every Sunday and liturgical services with free attendence for the public and not exclusively for our members.
Dr. Béla Jungbert KC*HS
Hungarian Lieutenancy
(Winter 2017)