Palazzo della Rovere: official communiqué from the Order
Palazzo della Rovere
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, signed on March 10, 2023 the agreements with a Benefit Company of the Fort Partners Group for the entrustment of a portion of Palazzo della Rovere, in via della Conciliazione 33 in Rome, for lease for hotel use under the management of the Four Seasons group.
After this portion was released by the previous tenant, the Order in 2020 had launched in the press an investigation into expressions of interest of Italian or international economic operators, to select the one to whom to entrust the renovation and management of the hotel.
An International Commission of the Order has identified, among the many offers received, with a strict transparency procedure the most convenient offer for the Order in the one presented by Fort Partners.
Since this is an act of extraordinary administration, the Order has requested and obtained from the competent Authorities of the Holy See, the authorization to start negotiations with the aforementioned group.
The subsequent negotiation ended with an agreement under which the chosen company will fully bear the costs of the renovation of the Palace, allowing the Order to donate in full to the Holy Land the voluntary contributions received from its members.
(Vatican City, 14 March 2023)