Establishment of the Historical Committee of the Order

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In fulfilling its mission to “foster zeal within the ecclesial community for the Land of Jesus and to support the Catholic Church and the Christian presence there" (Statute, Art. 1), the Order is not unfamiliar with the cultural dimension and historical research that consolidate its roots. Due to the historical complexity of our Pontifical Institution, a request to establish an ad hoc Committee had been raised years ago. This request was reiterated by the Order's Consulta in November 2023 and subsequently confirmed by the Grand Magisterium at its meeting in April 2024.

Thus, on January 12, 2025, the Historical Committee of the Order was formally established. Among its various tasks, the Committee will promote historical studies regarding the Order, provide consultancy on relevant matters as needed, and, when requested, oversee the organization of specific cultural activities or publications.

It is possible to read here in Italian the Ordinamento of the newly established Committee.

(January 2025)