Pubblicato il Regolamento Generale dell’Ordine

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Regolamento - 3 The General Regulations will complete the corpus of foundational documents of our Pontifical Institution.

As of January 1, 2025, the new General Regulations of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem come into force. This central document is a foundational tool for the daily life and management of both the Grand Magisterium and especially the local entities of the Order. In recent years, many Lieutenants and Members of the Order have expressed the need to update the previous Regulations. Consequently, an ad hoc Commission was established at the Grand Magisterium, which worked for several months to produce this document.

A letter was signed by the Cardinal Grand Master and the Governor General on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Palestine (October 25, 2024). The letter states, “The General Regulations are intended to support the life of the Order in its organic dimension and participation in order to sustain that ‘project of life, of convictions, of values, of choices proper to a Knight and a Dame.’” This essential tool for the orderly life of the Order is included among its foundational Documents. The others include the Constitution; the Book on Spirituality; the Ritual for Celebrations; and, the Document on Formation. With the publication of the General Regulations, the beautiful analogy proposed by the Governor General in our previous newsletter (No. 74) of the five fingers of a hand is completed.

The Regulations include various sections, such as Organization and Central Governance, Territorial Organization and Management, Members of the Order, and Disciplinary Provisions and Procedures. In addition, the document includes appendices concerning admissions, promotions, and the spiritual benefits granted to the Order of the Holy Sepulchre by the Supreme Pontiffs.

Due to its significance, “The Regulations, alongside the Constitution, must be known by both the Leaders and every Knight and Dame, together with the documents on Spirituality and Formation.” It is approved ad biennium. In this way, the effort of recent years to update the life of the Order has been brought to a conclusion.


(January 2025)