The ExsulteT oratory inspired by the Holy Sepulchre
In the context of the Consulta, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien – Grand Master – commissioned a cultural work to remember the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Therefore, Marcello Bronzetti “ilFedeleamato” (Faithful Beloved) was asked to compose a sacred oratory, as he had done on several occasions, for example with the Mother oratory for the official celebrations of the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta or with the Aquerò oratory, for the 160th anniversary of the apparitions of Lourdes. This is how ExsulteT was born, an oratory inspired by the Holy Sepulchre, put into music and words by narrator, soloists, chorus and orchestra.
It was represented for the first time on the evening of November 13, 2018 in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome, where the relics of the cross of Jesus are venerated, brought from the Holy Land by Saint Helen – patroness of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre – and kept in this same place of worship, with one of the nails of the crucifixion.
The date of November 13 marks the recurrence of the arrival of the image of the Virgin of the Rosary to the Marian city of Pompeii, founded by Bartolo Longo, the only lay member of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre to have been beatified.
In the presence of the Lieutenants of the Order, from six continents, and of numerous personalities, including the Grand Master of the Order of Malta and the Archbishop of Pompeii, the fifty voluntary singers of the choir “Fideles et Amati” – directed by Tina Vasaturo – gave voice to the interior pilgrimage of Blessed Bartolo Longo, led by Saint Helen, mother of the Emperor Constantine, through the Gospel story of the Resurrection. During the evening, the ExsulteT oratory allowed the members of the Order and friends – united in prayer – to ask the Lord for the grace to make their life a Holy Land, following the example of Bartolo Longo.
On request, this work can be represented in other places, thus continuing to spread the spiritual message of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and to make better known the vocation of the members themselves to daily sanctity.
(December 2018)