Prayer for the canonization of Blessed Bartolo Longo
God, Father of mercy, we praise you for having given Blessed Bartolo Longo to human history, ardent apostle of the Rosary and shining example of a layman engaged in the evangelical witness of faith and charity.
We thank you for his extraordinary spiritual journey, his prophetic insights, his tireless efforts for the least and the marginalized, the dedication with which he filially served your Church and built the new city of love in Pompeii.
We pray that Blessed Bartolo Longo will soon be counted among the Saints of the universal Church, so that everyone can follow him as a model of life and seek his intercession.
Click on the link to find our interview with Msgr. Tommaso Caputo, Archbishop and Pontifical Delegate of Pompeii, Prior of the Section “Napoli – Blessed Virgin of the Rosary” of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre: