The first book on the spirituality of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

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Libro_Spiritualita Starting from the Holy Sepulchre, the centre point of our faith, the call addressed to all the baptised – not only to Knights and Dames – who, through this text, can find a path for meditation, is to live in bthe Risen One, as bearers of the light of hope.

The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. A spirituality of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre (88 pages; 8.00 €). The first book on the spirituality of the Order, written by Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Grand Master, is finally available in bookstores in Italian. During 2021, it will also be available in English, French, Spanish, and German.

But why choose this title? The Grand Master himself explains that the title, “is taken from what Mary of Bethany did six days before the death of Jesus. She anointed his feet, and Jesus praised her actions. And at the same time, he left to the Church the duty of continuing this same mission, when he said: You will always have the poor with you, you will have the Church with you, and you will continue to anoint the steps in the life of the Church, of the poor, of all those who will come to join you. There you have it: our spirituality begins here, then comes the mystery of Jesus; his passion, the institution of the Eucharist, death, resurrection, reflecting the most significant aspects.” (Vatican News). In the first part, the book addresses the biblical dimension, then, in the second part, the more purely ecclesiological dimension, and recalls the commitments that the Order has made to the Holy Land.


(January 2021)