The visits of the Grand Master - Summer 2018

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Cardinale O'Brien in Brasile

After presiding over the Investiture of the Lazio Section of the Lieutenancy for Central Italy at the abbey of Casamari, on May 5, and that of the Swiss Lieutenancy in Lucerne, on May 12, Cardinal O’Brien went to Buenos Aires to celebrate 130 years of the Lieutenancy for Argentina. He celebrated the Investiture Mass of this Lieutenancy on May 18, after having participated in the meeting of Latin American Lieutenants, which was also joined by the Lieutenants of Spain and Portugal. The Grand Master then continued his journey to Brazil where, on May 21, he presided over the Investiture of the Lieutenancy for Brazil - Rio de Janeiro.

The first two days of June he was in Toronto for the meeting of the Lieutenants of North America. On June 9 in Brussels it was the turn of the new members of the Lieutenancy for Belgium to receive directly from the hands of the Grand Master the Investiture, before Cardinal O’Brien returned to Rome to attend the meeting of European Lieutenants on June 13 and 14.

Some engagements then led him to the United States, in particular to preach a retreat to the priests of the diocese of Baltimore. On August 15, for the Solemnity of the Assumption, Cardinal O’Brien presided at Mass in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington.

At the end of August, he went to Australia to participate in numerous appointments with the Lieutenants and the members of the Order of this continent. Returning from Australia on September 20, the Cardinal will preside over the Investiture of the US Eastern Lieutenancy in New York and then that of the Lieutenancy for France in Paris on October 6.

(September 2018)