Photo credit: By kind permission of Aid to the Church in Need
To all European Lieutenants.
As the world knows, our Holy Father has launched an appeal to all Catholics in Europe to host refugees fleeing terrorism and war in their countries.
As members of this Pontifical Order of the Holy Sepulchre, we have a special duty to be at the forefront in our parishes and communities to meet this challenge of solidarity, especially towards our brothers from the biblical territories. May I ask for your assistance?
I would hope that, in each European Lieutenancy, concrete initiatives would be undertaken to this end. In this severe crisis, sacrifices are called for in fulfilling the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Please prayerfully consult and determine within your Lieutenancy how you will respond. I would hope to hear the results of your deliberations and will share them throughout the Order.
The Feast of Our Lady of Palestine will be a perfect opportunity to show our mobilization publicly.
I count on your urgent attention on this matter, and assure each one of you of my daily prayers.
In Christ,
Edwin Cardinal O’Brien
(October 14, 2015)