A message from the Grand Master on the Church's present-day situation
To the members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre:
Many of you recall the book and movie The Perfect Storm – when several weather patterns meet at once – they clash and create terrible damage.
Our Catholic Church is in the midst of a perfect storm – a perfect demonic storm: Chile, Ireland, the Netherlands, Australia, the United States – and how many more to come?! The revolting, profoundly shameful double life of a Cardinal of the Church. The almost pornographic 900-page report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury – unspeakable depravities of priests against the young and vulnerable. A former Vatican Nuncio’s accusations against the Church’s highest authorities.
It has been called “A DIABOLICAL MASTERPIECE”!
Satan’s powers at work seeking to undermine the very foundations of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – and from within!
We are at a moment of serious crisis, probably the greatest crisis our Church has faced in many centuries.
Today, as throughout Church history, the faithful – you – are offered a choice:
- There’s the temptation to flee, to abandon the Church – Satan has won a victory.
- Or we can dig in. Our Faith is not rooted in human beings, but in Jesus Christ. Knights of the Holy Sepulchre have never deserted. They have stood their ground in defense of the Church in times of greatest crises.
I would urge all our members to dig in: double-down – return to the God-given resources of our Faith: prayer, the Mass, Eucharistic Devotion, penance and fasting.
- Participate in parish and diocesan sponsored liturgies and assemblies of prayer in reparation for the deplorable sacrileges by those in Holy Orders against the helpless innocent. Scandalous betrayals of trust by those sworn to be other Christs.
- Support the vast majority of good priests in your midst – your priests, struggling daily to be Christ for you. They are suffering greatly.
- Meanwhile, I have joined with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in requesting a Vatican sponsored investigation involving laypeople with special skills to determine responsibility for Archbishop McCarrick’s promotions within the hierarchy.
Throughout history, God has shown he can bring about good from the worst of evils. Just look at a crucifix!
Pray that this nightmare will eventually bring about the purification of our Church and a restoration of trust in her leadership.
Recognize that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Resurrection who turned the ugly moment of a disgraceful death into a moment of salvation.
And pray together with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that Our Lady, who once held the broken crucified Body of her Son in her arms, will do so again – in these days, hold the suffering, battered and bloody body – his Body, the Church, close to her heart, and in prayer for healing.
Thanks to all of you for your steadfast loyalty and faithfulness.
In the Lord,
Edwin Cardinal O’Brien
(September 8, 2018)