The Grand Magisterium’s Holy Land projects for 2017

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Jubeiha1 The church of Jubeiha, Jordan, is under construction in a peripheral district of Amman where over the past few years many faithful Catholic have decided to move.

In late January 2017, the Holy Land Commission of the Grand Magisterium of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, together with the Governor General Agostino Borromeo, agreed the projects to be carried out with the support of the Order in 2017 with General Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Father Imad Twal.

As in 2016, part of the funds will be allocated to the salary increase of teachers in Patriarchate schools, an important measure to allow us to continue offering excellent education to our students.

In addition, the Grand Magisterium has pledged to support Phase 1 and 2 of the completion of the construction of St. Paul’s Church in Jubeiha, Jordan, with $ 907,000. Jubeiha is a village which is located near Amman and where the first parish was founded in 1991 when there were few homes in a predominantly agricultural area. Over the years, the population has increased and, thanks to the initiative of some parishioners and benefactors, the construction of a church that could accommodate about 1,000 Latin faithful has begun. Unfortunately, the lack of funds made it impossible to complete the project. Now work will resume in the hope that it will soon give parishioners, who currently gather in a nearby school room, an appropriate place to celebrate religious functions.

Another project that the Order will contribute to in 2017 with $ 261,000 is the construction of the second floor of the school in Naour, a Jordanian town west of the capital Amman that has a small Catholic community. The school has a growing number of students and with new classrooms available on the second floor it would be able to accommodate them adequately by dividing them into smaller classes, thus fostering better learning.

(May 2017)